Art, Evangelism, Outreaches - A Citywide Expression of God's Kingdom with Bill Ottereness - Ep 35

Faith Horizons | Discovering the kingdom of God in Kansas City One Conversation at a Time (S1 E35)

During the Flood Week, which is coming up May 9th through the 13th, Genesis 1:1 is hosting a plein air art event. To get more details on this you can listen to the podcast and visit their website in the show notes.

I was thinking about this and perhaps a good way to describe the Flood Week is a week long city wide kingdom of God festival, or as Bill Otterness like to call it a fairground, a city wide fairground of Kingdom activity of people in so many different expressions of Kingdom activity leading up to The Send, which is May 14th  at Arrowhead.

Otterness Missions
To learn more about Otterness Missions and about upcoming events go to

Genesis 1:1 Fine Arts

Faith Horizons

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