
I had an great interview with Ray Maybion who is the founding pastor of Bethlehem Kingdom Center located on 28th and Forest. Bethlehem Kingdom Center was originally founded in 1984 as Bethlehem Christian Assembly and has been known for many years in Kansas City as the KC Prayer Dome.

In this conversation you will learn how Ray Maybion came to set up this ministry in one of Kansas City's most crime ridden neighborhoods. You will get great insight on how a church can interact with its community to facilitate kingdom change.

What is an apostolic center? Bethlehem Kingdom Center, which is an Apostolic Center intentionally operates in the 7 mountains of Kansas City, advancing the Kingdom of God in all spheres of influence. You really are in for a treat!

Bethlehem Kingdom Center

Website: https://kcbkc.org/
Location: 2732 Forest Ave, Kansas City, MO 64109

Bethlehem Home Health Care
Website: http://www.bethlehemhhc.com/

Faith Horizons
Website: https://faithhorizons.com
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