17 | Kingdom Brief with Bill Otterness - Broken guitar strings on the frozen tundra of Kansas City!

Faith Horizons | Discovering the kingdom of God in Kansas City One Conversation at a Time (S1 E0)

Genesis 1:1 Fine Arts is doing a coop event with Worship Watch and Wait which is led by Daniel Brymer at Grace Point this January! January 10th - 14th from 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Bill spoke about mourning the death of fellow artist and believer Monica Womack, she was an incredible intercessor a great friend and a visionary partner for Genesis 1:1 truly irreplaceable. 

Bill and I spoke at length about being present during the Christmas season. Take note many of the Christmas songs people sing speak about Jesus, the king, joy, hope and love. We talked about a noticeable change to the spiritual atmosphere during this season. 

Oh yes and there was also something about breaking guitar strings and worshiping outside on the frozen tundra of Kansas City!

Upcoming Events:
Starting the year off right! Worship Watch and Waith and Genesis 1:1 Together! January 10th - 14th from 7:00pm - 8:30pm  Here is the link so that you can add it to your calendar. https://evt.to/aamghddgw

Otterness Missions
To learn more about Otterness Mission's and about upcoming events go to

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