Karen’s “What No one Ever Told Me..8 Things I Discovered about Women and Leadership” God Story

Altered Stories Show (S1 E85)

In this Episode, I interview special Kingdom Rockstar guest from the KC area, Karen Blankenship.  Karen is an author of 3 books, a speaker and teacher.  She has been involved in education both nationally and internationally for over 45 years.  She is the Founder of KB Speaks and has served her community, both as a volunteer and an elected city official.  Karen is also a wife of 43 years, Mom of 3 wonderful kids, Daughter-in-Law and Son-in-Law, and four grandchildren.  Karen also serves as the Next Steps Director at her church and the Saturate KC Networks Director for The Sending Project.  In our authentic conversation, Karen shares her God Story of her leadership journey in the church and how God confirmed her leadership through scriptures as she read about other Women leaders in the Bible, and also through a Pastor.  She also shares how God used her learnings to write a book to share her leadership discovery story to encourage other women in their leadership calling in the church.  In addition, Karen shares what she has learned about several other Women leaders in the Bible.

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