Karen’s “God’s Great Reconciliation” God Story

Altered Stories Show (S1 E37)
In this episode, I interview Karen Abu Saada.  In our conversation, Karen shares the inspiring God story of her marriage transformation to her husband of 47 years, a former Muslim now Christian man.

Karen’s story is rarely heard of among these kinds of marriages--- western women married to Muslim men. Usually, it doesn’t work out and the marriage ends. However, her story has a rare twist after nineteen years of marriage. One that is not of this world.

Karen is a mom of two talented adult children, a grandma of six beautiful grandchildren, and has traveled the world with her author husband telling their amazing story of grace.

Also, Tass and her, through their ministry “Hope for Ishmael,” spend their time teaching and training the church to reach out to their Muslim neighbors in love. Through their program, “Lead with Love,” and their daughter, Farah’s Vision, they are building an online program of training and a network of discipleship for Muslims as well as others!.

Karen is also a former English teacher and the co-Founder of Seeds of Hope, a humanitarian organization serving in Gaza, Jericho, and Jerusalem. 

Enjoy listening to her inspiring God-glorifying Altered Story! 

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