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Sandy’s “Comforted To Be A Comfort” God Story

Altered Stories Show (S1 E78)

In this episode, I interview special guest, Sandy Kirkham. Sandy is an author that uses her voice to help victims of clergy abuse and also serves on the board of Council against Child Abuse. She is a wife, mother of two grown children, two beautiful granddaughters, and two dogs. In our authentic conversation, Sandy shares her “Comforted To Be A Comfort” God story and how God comforted her as a victim of clergy sexual, emotional, and physical abuse as a teenager. She also shares how this abuse left her broken with a shattered faith and ultimate shame of being blamed and forced her from the church she loved. She goes on to share how she sought justice and how God ultimately healed her to be a comfort to others. To encourage victims of abuse from spiritual leaders who are struggling with wounds of brokenness, she shares ministering words from 2 Corinthians 1:4.

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