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Misty’s "Radical Transformation through Motherhood" God Story

Altered Stories Show (S1 E32)

In episode 32, I feature Kingdom Rockstar, Misty Philip. Misty is a passionate Jesus lover, wife, Mom of 3 boys, By His Grace Podcast Host, Speaker, author, Bible study leader, Founder of the Spark Christian Podcast Conference, and Co-Founder of the Rocket Podcast Community.  In our conversation, Misty shares her personal God story that includes a past of drugs, alcohol, and rebellion due to the death of her brother and great loss and grief through motherhood as a result of having an abortion, several miscarriages, a stillborn birth, and the unexpected birth of a special needs son who changed her life.  She also shares how Jesus has been with her through her struggles and how he brought radical transformation into her life through his healing power and grace.  In addition, Misty shares God's words from the Bible with moms and others who may be struggling.  She also encourages those who are struggling to reach out to Jesus personally to experience great freedom from brokenness and restoration in their relationship with God.  Enjoy listening to her hope-filled God-glorifying story!  

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