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Healing Conversations with Twoana: Trauma & Loss Recovery

Altered Stories Show (S1 E23)

In this powerful episode, I bring special KC guest host Twoana Clark-Sheppard and KC guest, SarahGrace Ashworth together to discuss SarahGrace’s story of great trauma and loss in her life. SarahGrace shares with Twoana details about the death of her first husband and the healing from the death of her daughter that ultimately led to her name change in Christ.  She also shares ministering scriptures, her salvation story, and the revelation she received from God not only of HIS Grace and Love but about HIS Mercy and Justice that enabled her to begin walking in it and living her life more abundantly. Twoana also shares in their conversation her wisdom, perspective, and Godly insight on SarahGrace’s healing journey of trauma/loss based on her experience with counseling patients who have come through trauma resulting in barriers of bitterness and hindering them from moving forward in areas in their life.  In addition, she shares encouraging scriptures from the Bible for those who may be struggling with overcoming trauma and loss in their life.

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